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It seems like so long ago! Since then, Latifah and choreographer Eboni Nichols were spotted on what appeared to be a friendly vacation together in Cabo , and further captured moments together strongly suggest that they have decided to be gal pals again. Because Queen Latifah is a very famous person, Radar and other tabloid websites frequently pay paparazzi to keep tabs on their whereabouts. Based on some photographs one enterprising photographer has submitted, Radar is reporting that Eboni Nichols is not only pregnant, but the pair are engaged. Latifah has had a tumultuous year; her mother Rita Owens passed away following a bout with chronic heart failure, so if she and Eboni Nichols are in fact expecting a child together, that would be some very welcome news.
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It's Time for Everybody to Get Out of Queen Latifah's Bedroom

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Queen Latifah Finally Comes Out Of The Closet? | WKYS

The often-private Queen Latifah gets candid about a slew of serious subjects in Essence Magazine's July issue including alleged sexual abuse she suffered as a child, rumors that she's gay and her desire to become a mother. Queen Latifah, born Dana Elaine Owens, addressed the persistent speculation about her sexual orientation. Everybody else can do the reading; I'll do the living. One area of her life that she's willing to open about is her history with sexual abuse.
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Queen Latifah Finally Comes Out Of The Closet?

The second child of Lance and Rita Owens, Latifah is best known for her social politics, acting skills and gift for rhyme. When she was 8 years old, a Muslim cousin gave her the nickname Latifah, meaning "delicate and sensitive" in Arabic. Latifah began singing in the choir of Shiloh Baptist Church in Bloomfield, New Jersey, and had her first public performance when she sang a version of "Home" as one of the two Dorothys in a production of The Wizard of Oz at St. Anne's parochial school.
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Queen Latifah opened up about the gay community in the latest issue of Uptown magazine while discussing her upcoming role in HBO's "Bessie. Latifah has faced speculation regarding her own sexuality , but this role is not her "coming out party," Uptown noted. She was just free. Although the film focuses on a period more than 80 years ago, the year-old actress stressed that time hasn't erased homophobia.
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