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Slipped into a drink with a distinctive flavour — Coca-Cola, perhaps, or Lucozade — and the taste vanishes. Just the right amount could flood you with euphoria and disinhibition, heightening sexual arousal, like alcohol drowned in ecstasy. But half a millilitre too much and you can be unconscious within minutes. G is most often used in so-called chemsex situations, where two or more men use it alongside crystal meth and other drugs to enhance sex. It has been taken recreationally since the s, but its routine use as a weapon by murderers and rapists has, like a spiked drink, gone largely unchecked — and its damage overall has been largely undocumented. All of this is being facilitated by a loophole in the law through which dealers, organised criminals, and those who wish to rape, kill, and in some cases, profit from sexual violence are able to obtain industrial quantities of the substances from abroad.
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Myths and Realities of Gay Meth Use

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The sample was drawn from a larger longitudinal investigation of club drug using men. Thematic analysis yielded findings regarding perceived stigma for GHB use, tolerance of potential adverse side effects, and reasons for why some prefer this substance to other club drugs. Specifically, our findings suggest that GHB is viewed unfavorably in many social circles, that side effects are tolerated by frequent GHB users, and that the drug is chosen over other substances because the short duration of action, energy boost, sleep assistance, increase in libido, and limited after-effects. Examining the reasons why men use this substance will lead to the development of GHB specific prevention strategies, which accurately address the consequences of use as well as the motivations that individuals possess for using the substance.
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Crystal methamphetamine ice has become the substance of choice among young men who have sex with men YMSM in urban Thailand. Yet, there is scarce data on this phenomenon, partly due to the difficulty in accessing men who will disclose and openly discuss the social contexts, meanings and risks surrounding ice practice. We present an ethnography of ice parties, critically discussing the in-depth social meanings of ice ; the sexual socialities and the secrecy surrounding its use; the transactions between older and younger men; and the role of the Internet and mobile technology. Forty repeated narrative interviews life stories , ten focus group discussions, as well as systematic online and offline observations were conducted over a three-year period.
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Jump to navigation. Crystal meth and sex were involved in the relationships. Despite the HIV movement being on the vanguard of addressing the needs of people who use crystal meth, we have been less successful in supporting people who engage in sex work.
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