Triple-Breasted Multi-Boob Blonde Taylor Chanel | My Boob Site
Snopes needs your help! Learn more. In the initial frenzy of interest in Jasmine Tridevil and her purported third breast, lots of linking and re-posting of the same information and images occurred. However, few looked very deeply at the claims made by the woman shown in the images or her agents, or whether such a modification was even feasible. Instead, multiple media outlets took her claims at face value and ran it as a straight news story with no corroboration other than self-provided images that could easily have been faked : they contacted no one who knew or had seen Ms. No third party images of Tridevil have emerged, and while she claims to have booked appearances on Jimmy Kimmel Live and Inside Edition , no evidence has surfaced suggesting that they or any other media sources have vetted her story. A Tampa-area plastic surgeon with considerable experience in breast augmentation and reconstruction told us that the process of adding a third breast would likely be a lengthy and exhaustive one:.
She set the internet on fire last year by claiming to have an extra asset. But year-old 'Jasmine Tridevil' became the subject of intense scrutiny after extraordinary images suggested she had become the first woman in the world to have an artificial third breast fitted. Then last week the wannabe pop star - real name Alisha Hessler - from Tampa, Florida broke her silence to insist she's not a hoaxer, defiantly claiming: 'I know my breasts are real and I do not care what anybody thinks. But Daily Mail Online has now obtained secretly filmed images that prove once and for all that Hessler is lying. These photos — taken by a specialist thermal imaging camera - show her third breast is indeed a fake.
The year-old masseuse made headlines around the world yesterday and insists: "This is not a fake". Alisha Hessler, who now calls herself Jasmine Tridevil, made headlines around the world yesterday when she revealed her three boobs. She claims she was turned down by more than 50 doctors who refused to "break the code of ethics" before one agreed to carry out the surgery. The third breast is said to have been made from a silicone implant and skin tissue from her abdomen.