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Language: English Spanish French. Emotions are sometimes revealed through facial expressions. When these natural facial articulations involve the contraction of the same muscle groups in people of distinct cultural upbringings, this is taken as evidence of a biological origin of these emotions. While past research had identified facial expressions associated with a single internally felt category eg, the facial expression of happiness when we feel joyful , we have recently studied facial expressions observed when people experience compound emotions eg, the facial expression of happy surprise when we feel joyful in a surprised way, as, for example, at a surprise birthday party. Our research has identified 17 compound expressions consistently produced across cultures, suggesting that the number of facial expressions of emotion of biological origin is much larger than previously believed.
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The language context effect in facial expressions processing and its mandatory characteristic

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Compound facial expressions of emotion: from basic research to clinical applications

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Compound facial expressions of emotion: from basic research to clinical applications

Look at the picture above. Do you think the young woman is surprised? You may be wrong.
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