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MAN: Finally gets to go downtown and fumbles to get his hand where it counts. MAN: Starts random up-and-down or circular motion, hoping to God he can hit the spot and not be surprised. MAN: Shifts technique or goes into overdrive, and woman asks him to slow down. MAN: Slows down.
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15 Minute Orgasm - Sex Tips for Having Longer Orgasms
Shortform has the world's best summaries and analyses of books you should be reading. Like this article? Sign up for a free trial here. What advice does The 4-Hour Body have for sex? What are The 4-Hour Body sex tips men and women can use?
The 4-hour Body
First of all the book consists of pages and has 11 chapters. I will discuss them one by one later in this post. Now you Now you might think wow that is a lot of pages.
A diet and fitness plan that helps you drop 20 pounds in 30 days, without exercise? A technique that produces a minute female orgasm, or advice for doubling your sperm count? Binging during the holidays without gaining fat?
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