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We explore the effect of manifest sexual orientation and gender on the appreciation of lesbian narratives using a mixed-methods approach. Appreciation is a psychological response to narratives that prompts a profound perception of meaning or a motivation to create reflections or thoughts among audiences. We conducted a quantitative study that offered magnitudes of the effects of consumption, and a qualitative study to find explanations for them. Results from both studies were interpreted in a complementary, concurrent fashion. The investigation shows that sexual orientation affects magnitudes of appreciation while gender does not.
The Role of Sexual Orientation and Gender in the Appreciation of Lesbian Narratives
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In recent years, more out-of-the-closet lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer individuals have entered parliaments. Their visibility raises the question of how they imagine that their non-heteronormative sexuality interferes with their mandate of political representation. Based on interviews with 20 out of the 25 openly lesbian, gay and bisexual legislators in Canada in , this article shows that they do imagine numerous ways in which being out of the closet empowers their role of representation.
By Adam S. Levy For Dailymail. Jojo Siwa on Sunday was spotted in Los Angeles following a minor controversy over her opinion of the term lesbian, saying that her initial comments weren't 'meant to be anything bad. The year-old YouTube star wore a white top with rainbow patterns over black shorts with red Converse Chuck Taylor high tops.
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