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These shocking 21st-century adverts are a grim reminder that sexism is alive and well
PodcastOne: Segment 2 Dumb-Dumb Time
From a sexist Easter egg to a deeply offensive Protein World poster, these adverts all made headlines for the wrong reasons…. But saves my life. Despite new rules around sexism in advertising introduced by the Advertising Standards Authority ASA which were introduced in June, this is by far from the only sexist ad out there. Indeed, these 18 adverts all somehow managed to get greenlit in the 21st century, serving as a stark reminder as if it were needed that, when it comes to the way we speak to and about women, we still have a very long way to go. According to a BBC report, the male designer ran the idea past his team of male colleagues before going ahead with it. In the ad — which aired in China — a bride is seen being manhandled by her mother-in-law on her wedding day. Count her teeth or something?
06-24-22 Segment 2 Dumb-Dumb Time
Why do i look awkward in photos. See more ideas about cute couple pic See more ideas about cute couple pictures, cute couples goals, couple pictures 1 mo Ok, Josh Brolin! For some reason, when you combine sunshine, water, and scantily-clad beach-goers, awkwardness is never far behind! AND This has always been the dilemma of my whole life even during the modelling days!
Man climbs the scaffold leaving the arc of his head pressed against the blue horizon. The world pulls calmly his hairs until clouds are wet winds of white distance. The hand organizing, playing the music of meaning in strong steps, structures of size, rooms the shape of moons. The man sleeps with the night tightly wrapped around his naked arch. The mouth took in the morning and the air snoozed a minute before it rose, a wisp of paper infinitely exiting the world.
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I fully share your opinion. There is something to it, and I think it is a very good idea. I agree with you completely.
I think mistakes are being made. Let's try to discuss this. Write me a PM.
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