Short video description
Pregnancy without penetration is possible, but likelihood of pregnancy is low. Without penetration, only small quantities of sperm will enter into the vaginal canal, which will make eventual fertilization of the egg very difficult. Outside of the body, sperm cells have limited mobility and can only survive for a few minutes. They can remain viable for longer, however, in hot and moist environments. In order for pregnancy to occur without sex, ejaculation must take place near the vagina and contraceptive methods must not be used. There needs to be a chance for the sperm to enter the vagina and there must be sufficient quantity of viable sperm cells to fertilize an egg.
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Endometriosis and Fertility - Brigham and Women's Hospital
Growing a human being is undoubtedly a wonder, but for many women, it certainly has its downsides. When pregnant, there is a lot of commiserating about the ailments that come along with pregnancy; nausea, fatigue, weight gain, etc. Comparing stories about pregnancy and labor is a form of nostalgia for most women. Who really likes to talk about their backsides anyway?
How to Clean Up After Sex
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I'm at the end, sorry, it's not the right answer. Who else can say something?