I congratulate, the remarkable answer...
Not logically
The question is interesting, I too will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.
I consider, that you are not right.
I think, that you commit an error. I can prove it.
20.06.2019 12:06:14 Shaktirn:
I congratulate, the remarkable answer...
17.06.2019 0:56:37 JoJolkis:
Not logically
18.06.2019 19:16:37 Mooguktilar:
The question is interesting, I too will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.
22.06.2019 16:58:13 Vull:
I consider, that you are not right.
14.06.2019 17:34:07 Kajitaur:
I think, that you commit an error. I can prove it.