Canada and amateur

The Canada Cup International Softball Championship is operated by the Canadian Amateur Sport Society, a registered not-for-profit society dedicated to advocating and encouraging the development of the sport of softball by staging a first class, family oriented elite international fastpitch event. The event is devoted to providing young, high caliber, female athletes the opportunity to expand their potential and ability by fielding elite level fastpitch teams, offer exposure to potential university and college scholarships, provide a source of inspiration and mentorship to the youth of the sport and provide an entertaining, fun-filled sporting experience for the Canada Cup spectator. As such, we operate with a constitution and bylaws. To advocate and encourage the development of the sport of softball by staging a first class, family oriented elite international fastpitch event for girls 16 and under and young women under The event is devoted to providing young high caliber female athletes the opportunity to expand their potential and ability by fielding elite level fastpitch teams, offer exposure to potential university and college scholarships, provide a source of inspiration and mentorship to the youth of the sport and provide an entertaining, fun-filled sporting experience for the Canada Cup spectator.
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Welcome / Canadian Amateur Sport Society

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Game Plan, Canada's Total Athlete Wellness Program

Forgot Password? According to ISED, RICs are issued for the guidance of those engaged in radiocommunications in Canada, and the information they contain is subject to change without notice. RAC said the new document contains several editorial changes, including the change from IC to ISED and clarifications regarding operating privileges granted to Basic licensees. Advanced licensees may modify transceivers, because they are allowed to design and build transmitters. RAC had urged the relaxation of restrictions limiting remote control of Amateur Radio stations to Advanced licensees, in light of transceiver design changes that have simplified such operation. RAC said the document also drops the outdated requirement for visiting American radio operators to demonstrate Morse proficiency to be allowed to operate HF phone in Canada.
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Canada (Amateur)

The Canadian Amateur Championship , begun in , is the men's amateur golf championship of Canada. It is staged annually by Golf Canada. It was played at match play until , went to stroke play beginning in , and reverted to match play in
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