Amateur astronomy observing reports

Observing is the Heart of Amateur Astronomy. Search AAAA. Links to Astronomy Sites. We all know the virtues of writing down what we see and keeping accurate records. You can download and print PDF versions of both of our forms from this page. Just click on the links below.
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Observing Report: The Herschel Sprint

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NASA - Amateur Astronomy

We take a dip in one of summer's finest nebulae and explore everything from spooky Bok globules to the tornadic Hourglass Nebula. Don't forget your snorkel, er, telescope! Sometimes a single deep-sky object becomes your whole universe. So it was for me when I took several deep wades in the Lagoon Nebula earlier this month. Globular clusters are packed with variable stars, some of which are easy to see and follow in amateur telescopes. We explore M5 and M13, two of the season's finest. For your enjoyment, a diverse selection of double stars in Draco for small and medium telescopes.
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Website Launched For Astronomers to Report Observations Of Unexplained Aerospace Phenomena

This Theme is designed to guide you through the process of reporting a discovery. It includes a guide to the most common objects that you may have observed. Please read the sections relevant to your object as well as the general sections before reporting your object. If your finding is not an object observed in the sky for example a meteorite or asterism please proceed to section 4. You may also want to consult this Astronomy Picture of the Day.
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Monday, May 9, started as most mornings have lately with mostly cloudy skies. Of course the weather folks all seemed to say what a glorious day it would be, with a few clouds, and lots of sunshine. Through March 24, , Collins Observatory was open to the public twice. The first time I had 57 guests.
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